Think like an Examiner with our GCSE PE Resources

Our mission is to give teachers back time in the classroom, and support you in helping your students perform to the highest standard. So, in addition to our assessment platform we’re also building our free resource centre for teachers. This section of the site is designed to provide you with additional support for peer, self, and teacher assessments.
We also want to help you and your students gain a more thorough understanding of assessment criteria for your exam board — because being able to think like an examiner, and know what examiners are looking for, is a vital part of preparing pupils for their GCSE exams.
In our GCSE Resources section, you can download PE examples of 6 and 9 mark question and answers in order to help you mark mock papers and guide your students towards achieving their target grade. Currently we have examples for GCSE in PE from AQA and Edexcel, as well as resources for NEA components and KS3 hybrid curriculums.
If you can help us out with creating these resources from GCSE in PE from OCR as well, please email us at
How to use our PE GCSE 6 & 9 mark question resources
These long-answer GCSE question resources have been designed to support both teachers and pupils when it comes to maximising the marks students can achieve when answering long answer questions.
Each question and response has been broken down so that can clearly see:
- How the exam paper question is structured
- What the grading criteria is for each question
- How students should structure their responses in relation to the criteria
- What to look out for when marking pupils’ mock questions
- How to support your students to get the most marks and achieve their target grade
What does each PE GCSE long-answer question resource include?
Overview of Assessment Objectives (AOs)
At the beginning of each resource, you will find an overview of assessment objectives. Each example answer is colour coded so that both teachers and pupils can clearly see the structure of the answer and therefore why the response has achieved the number of marks awarded:

The Question & What’s Required for Each Level (1-3)
We also include the example question followed by a table which clearly outlines what’s meant by Knowledge (AO1), Application (AO2), and Evaluation (AO3) in the context of this question.
This means you know exactly what you’re looking for in the students’ answer:

Tips for answering questions
You’ll also find prompts or reminders for teachers to maximise the effectiveness of these resources:

Example responses at Levels 1-3
These have been written by experienced examiners, as examples of the type of answer your students might give to the questions. We have included responses which would be graded as Level 1, 2, or 3 followed by the reasoning behind the grade.
As you can see, these responses are colour-coded to allow you to match them up to the AOs outlined at the beginning of the document:

Tips for teachers
After each question, we include tips and / or example comments which teachers can ask in order to get students thinking about getting their answers to the next level:

Tips for students
As well as tips for teachers when it comes to marking questions, within some of these resources we also provide tips for the students to keep in mind when structuring their answers and ensuring that they address each of the required AOs:

Available resources
So that you know which resources you’ll get access to, here’s an overview of what you’ll find in the GCSE PE Resources packs:
Pupil Criteria: This is the grade criteria for the NEA (Non-Examined Assessment) simplified so that students can access, understand and interpret the criteria more easily
Pupil Criteria (Example): This is an example of how to use the criteria in a lesson or to accurately assess a pupil’s mark
Teacher Criteria: This is a copy of the original criteria from the exam board so that teachers are able to check and quality assure the simplified version we provide
Questions: This resource provides teachers with a classroom exercise where pupils can answer the questions
Teacher Pack: The teacher pack is the full resource in one place. This contains
- The instructions
- The questions
- The mark scheme
- The levelled responses
- And guidance on how pupils can improve the answer to move to the next level
Group Work | Exercise | Activity: This is a single resource that can be used for group work with pupils in the lesson. Use this for the centre of the table, or get students to work in pairs to discuss the criteria and what should be included in model answers.
Answers: This is the answers only. Pupils can answer the questions on a separate resource / worksheet and then receive this to self or peer assess the work.
Click the link below, fill in your details and get access to your PE GCSE resources for free.
We hope our GCSE resources will help you in the preparation for GCSE exams, and we also currently have other resources for other subjects, such as English Language, Psychology and more.
Are you an experienced examiner, and able to help us create resources for other subjects? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to email us at

Brett Griffin
Founder and Chief Executive Officer