Data Processing Agreement 1.8
Please note, for definitions of capitalised terms used in this document, please refer to the Terms of Service, in particular section 1 Definitions.
Roles and responsibilities
Our role in your privacy
If you are a Pupil Progress Customer (whether paying or just trialling the platform) or User, this agreement applies to you, in relation to all:
use of the Pupil Progress Platform accessed by Users or Customers through all webpages which start with the subdomain;
use of Pupil Progress’s smartphone app by Users or Customers;
data (including Personal Data) or information shared in conversations with the Pupil Progress team while logged into the platform – e.g. support conversations;
data (including Personal Data) or information forwarded on to the Pupil Progress team by Customers relating to Users or other Data Subjects (including students);
data (including Personal Data) used to manage operational communications, support and service messages.
Under data protection legislation the Customer institution is the Data Controller and Pupil Progress is the Data Processor.
N.B. Where Pupil Progress uses Personal Data of staff at the Customer institution or other persons for the management of the account and contract, or for business purposes including for marketing and sales, this is covered within the Pupil Progress Privacy Policy and is not applicable to this agreement.
Our responsibilities as Pupil Progress
As the Data Processor, we process Personal Data on behalf of the Customer. This means that we provide the Customer with a service which involves processing Personal Data based on the purpose and means that they have decided on. We are registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office under reference ZA226391.
N.B. Where Pupil Progress uses Personal Data of staff at the Customer institution or other persons for the management of the account and contract, or for business purposes including for marketing and sales, this is covered within the Pupil Progress Privacy Policy and is not applicable to this agreement.
Your responsibilities as the Customer / User
Read this Data Processing Agreement.
Check any contracts or agreements between us and any other documents we have asked you to look at, as these may also have relevant specific information.
Read and update any of your own organisation’s policies and procedures which are relevant – for example, any privacy notice or data protection policy.
Where our Customers have provided us with Personal Data in relation to our delivery of our Services, or where Users and Data Subjects (staff and children, and in the case of the Pupil Progress smartphone app, Parent/Carer Users and Student Users) have provided us with Personal Data, it will only be used for the reasons authorised within your agreements with us. By submitting the information to us, you confirm that you have the right to authorise us to process it on your behalf in accordance with this Data Processing Agreement.
Customers should check this agreement to make sure that this is understood to be the instructions that YOU as the Data Controller give US Pupil Progress as the Data Processor.
What if I am using Pupil Progress as a User (such as a member of staff)?
If you are logging into Pupil Progress because it is provided to you through your School or other organisation then this document will help you better understand how Pupil Progress handles your information on behalf of your organisation. In addition, your organisation may be able to provide other relevant information such as their privacy notice or relevant policies. If you are being contacted by us as a Customer contact (e.g. processing your order information, or responding to your interest in our products and services), then we are the Data Controller and it is not covered within this guide. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.
What if I am a parent/carer or student who is using the Pupil Progress smartphone app to see school reports?
Please see Pupil Progress App Data Processing for
information concerning the Pupil Progress Mobile App.
The Pupil Progress Platform supports our Customers to organise student assessment data so that it is simple and actionable, giving teachers back time to focus on what they do best: teaching.
Our trackers support teachers and Schools to use students’ raw assessment data to calculate accurate student grades exactly as exam boards do, in real-time as soon as data is entered. We provide this data in student reports with a detailed breakdown of marks across the course. We support Schools to analyse data to identify how to improve students’ achievement.
Personal Data Collection and Processing
When we collect Personal Data
From the first moment Users interact with the Pupil Progress Platform, we are collecting data. Sometimes Users provide us with data, sometimes Customer organisations provide us with data and sometimes data about Users is collected automatically.
Here’s when and how we collect any Personal Data:
Data customer provides | Data Staff Users Provide | Data Pupil Progress collects | When |
✔ | ✔ | When creating User accounts | |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ | When providing information about learners to identify and group them |
✔ | ✔ | When accessing sections of the Platform and other Services | |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ | When engaging in technical support conversations with us |
✔ | ✔ | Sending or receiving emails or notifications from us | |
✔ | ✔ | Providing additional information about learner attainment and behaviour |
Parent/Carer data If you have authorised the use of the Pupil Progress smartphone app:
Data customer provides | Data Staff Users Provide | Data Pupil Progress collects | When |
✔ | When creating Parent/Carer User accounts and linking them to learners. | ||
✔ | ✔ | When accessing certain sections of the Pupil Progress smartphone app and other services | |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ | When engaging in technical support conversations with us related to the Pupil Progress smartphone app |
✔ | ✔ | Sending or receiving emails or notifications from us |
The use of automated tools to collect data, create and manage user accounts, and to manage the import of personal data of students, is detailed in “How we collect Personal Data’ section below. This is controlled by the Customer through the use of tools provided by other Data Processors (e.g. Groupcall Xporter).
What types of data we collect
Users' Contact details & contextual information
For all Users: Name, email address, School details.
For Staff Users additionally: contact numbers; role in the organisation including subjects, classes, years taught.
For Parent/Carer Users additionally: Parent/Carer relationship to student(s).
Technical data that identifies Users
Usage Data including IP address, login information, browser type, time zone setting, browser plug-in types, geolocation information, device information, operating system and version, applications installed and used, webpages accessed, and other activities within the Platform, as well as equivalents of these in the case of the Pupil Progress smartphone app.
Educational information
Information about learners attainment, prior attainment, target grades, expected outcomes and progress. Information about which staff teach or support different groups of learners.
What about really sensitive data?
We know that Customers will be using Pupil Progress to enhance their understanding, support and education of learners. Where this information includes very specific groups, this may include areas that are sensitive information (like racial or ethnic origin, or health / Special Educational Needs or Disabilities data). This may also include other information that the School wishes to treat as sensitive data (like Looked-After Child status, Pupil Premium status, Free School Meals eligibility, or other funded or other special groups status). Where sensitive information is shared with us, then it will be allowed based on how the Customer has agreed to it. We will process this information on the understanding that the Customer has a lawful basis for authorising us to process it. This may include explicit consent or substantial public interest, but this will likely need to be shared through the Customer’s own privacy notice. We will always provide routes for any sensitive data to be excluded from Pupil Progress. If the school is using a data interchange tool such as Groupcall Xporter, this is normally through configuring data sharing through your data interface tool.
What about students’ data?
Pupil Progress is designed to provide organisations with information on students to help monitor and identify the progress of learners. This means that both staff and student Personal Data will be used. We know this and take additional care as a result. Additionally, the option to anonymise and aggregate School data takes place when the Customer asks us to include this data for work with another partner around comparisons between School cohorts. Additionally the Pupil Progress smartphone app allows Schools to publish reports directly to students. For Schools that enable the smartphone app, students then become Student Users in relation to the app.
Why we collect Personal Data
Data protection legislation means that we can only use Personal Data for certain reasons, where instructed by the organisation and where they have a lawful basis to do so. We have taken this into account in the way Pupil Progress has been designed. The data we collect and process is all necessary to allow us to provide the Pupil Progress Services to our Customers and Users.
How we collect Personal Data
Data Subjects’ data is submitted to Pupil Progress in a CSV or Excel file sent through our end-to-end encrypted portal accessed through the Designated Administrative User’s account, or by any other secure method chosen by the Customer, to meet your School’s data protection requirements. This data is then uploaded to the Platform by the Pupil Progress team. This data can also be entered directly by Designated Administrative Users on the Pupil Progress Platform into the appropriate fields. This data can be updated as regularly as the customer requires.
Alternatively, the Customer School can opt-in to use Groupcall Xporter to automatically provide relevant data to Pupil Progress which has been provided to Xporter from the School (MIS) Management Information System. This data allows Pupil Progress to facilitate the Customer’s creation and management of User accounts, and the management of Data Subjects’ data including staff and students’ Personal Data. In order for Pupil Progress to access your Data Subjects’ data through Xporter, the Customer School (the Data Controller) will need to first authorise what data can be accessed by Pupil Progress; this will be done in Xporter’s setup for data sharing with Pupil Progress. Pupil Progress will run an automated data fetch daily (overnight) to fetch any data we have been authorised to access. We can also run additional data fetches on request or if required to provide additional support.
What personal data do we collect
Here following are lists of the Data Subjects’ Personal Data that you or your organisation is able to submit to Pupil Progress, or can be fetched from Xporter.
Any data that is essential to meet the Purpose set out above is marked as required. All other fields are optional, and controls within Xporter also allow this to be managed at a school level. Controls within Xporter also allow the exclusion of individual students' data from being sent to Pupil Progress.
For students:
Data element name | Purpose of collection | Legal grounds | Sensitivity rating | Handling notes |
Names | Required data - For identification purposes | Public task | Personal data | - |
ID numbers e.g. Unique Pupil Number, Candidate Number | Required data - For identification purposes | Public task | Personal data | - |
Contact details (email address only) | To enable automated system communications. | Public task | Personal data | - |
Medical and SEN | To manage the additional needs of the data subject and for school group analysis. | Public task | Special category personal data | Art 9(2)(g) – Substantial Public interest. Only to be used by staff who have been trained to use this data with sensitivity and security. |
Pupil Premium and Free School Meals | To ensure the welfare of the data subject is considered and for school group analysis | Public task | Special category personal data | Art 9(2)(g) – Substantial Public interest. Only to be used by staff who have been trained to use this data with sensitivity and security. |
Ever In Care | To ensure the welfare of the data subject is considered and for school group analysis. | Public task | Special category personal data | Art 9(2)(g) – Substantial Public interest. Only to be used by staff who have been trained to use this data with sensitivity and security. |
Gender | To ensure the welfare of the data subject is considered and for school group analysis. | Public task | Personal data | - |
Ethnicity | To ensure the welfare of the data subject is considered and for school group analysis. | Public task | Special category personal data | Art 9(2)(g) – Substantial Public interest. Only to be used by staff who have been trained to use this data with sensitivity and security. |
Linguistic needs e.g. EAL | To manage the linguistic needs of the data subject and for school group analysis | Public task | Personal data | Treat as sensitive data due to possibility of inferred connection to sensitive data. |
Educational progress (attainment, engagement) | Required data - To manage and enhance student education. | Public task | Personal data | - |
Behaviour | To ensure the welfare of the data subject is considered | Public task | Personal data | Treat as sensitive data due to possibility of inferred connection to sensitive data. |
Date of Birth | Personal identifier and for use in parent/carer verification | Public task | Personal data | - |
Data element name | Purpose of collection | Legal grounds | Sensitivity rating | Handling notes |
Attendance | To ensure the welfare of the data subject is considered | Public task | Personal data | Treat as sensitive data due to possibility of inferred connection to sensitive data. |
Conduct | To ensure the welfare of the data subject is considered | Public task | Personal data | Treat as sensitive data due to possibility of inferred connection to sensitive data. |
For students & staff:
Data element name | Purpose of collection | Legal grounds | Sensitivity rating | Handling notes |
Classes, year groups, subjects | Required data - To enable Users to organise student data. | Public task | Personal data | - |
For staff:
Data element name | Purpose of collection | Legal grounds | Sensitivity rating | Handling notes |
Names | Required data - For identification purposes | Public task | Personal data | - |
Contact details | Required data - To enable communication | Public task | Personal data | - |
For parents/carers (if the Pupil Progress smartphone app is authorised by the Customer):
Data element name | Purpose of collection | Legal grounds | Sensitivity rating | Handling notes |
Names | Required dataFor identification purposes- For identification purposes | Public task | Personal data | - |
Contact details | To enable communication | Public task | Personal data | - |
Relationship to student(s) | To enable Parent/Carer User access permissions | Public task | Personal data | Treat as sensitive data due to possibility of inferred connection to sensitive data. |
Variations in how we process Personal Data
If there are any differences to how we process Personal Data, it is because the Customer has identified and instructed us to do something differently from our standard operating procedures, which Customers have the right to do as Data Controller, and where we have assessed that by doing so we are maintaining all of our obligations and responsibilities in our Agreements with Customers as well as legally, and are able to accommodate the requested differences. In addition, Pupil Progress abides by the principles of cloud security at all times when processing any data.
Uses of Personal Data
Staff User access
We make sure that Pupil Progress gives Customers and staff Users all the available tools which are part of the full service Pupil Progress provides. This includes access to progress information, relationships between teachers and pupils and helping identify particular groups of pupils. Some tools, especially those which allow the management of staff and student Personal Data records are reserved for Designated Administrative Users only.
Suggested lawful basis for this data usage: Public Task/Substantial Public Interest.
Enabling integration and sharing with Customers’ partners
This means making sure that prior to following our Customers’ instructions to pass Personal Data to a partner/integration, Pupil Progress will anonymise and aggregate any Personal Data, special category Personal Data or Personal Data that should be handled with sensitivity. The anonymisation is only at Customers’ instruction, and data will only be passed on once anonymised.
Suggested lawful basis for this data usage: Public Task/Substantial Public Interest.
N.B. any partners or other data processors who subsequently receive this anonymised data will not be included within the list of integrations below. This is because once it has been anonymised, it is no longer Personal Data.
Improving Pupil Progress
We make sure that Pupil Progress continues to be the right tool for Customers and that it works as needed. The Pupil Progress team will gather feedback and information related to any improvements needed to make sure Pupil Progress continues to be the right tool for the School and that improvements which would enhance Users’ experience are identified and actioned. This will include analysis of technical support, usage and analytical information.
This may also mean taking Personal Data and anonymising it so that when our staff use it we have protected it as much as we can.
Lawful basis for this data usage: Public Task/Substantial Public Interest.
Here is what each of the “lawful bases” means:
Public Task
This states:
“…processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller”
This means that the organisation, as a public authority, has many things it does with children’s Personal Data. It has to do these things as it has been told that it needs to do it (by laws, regulations or statutory guidance) or it does the task as it is in the best interest of the children.
Substantial Public Interest
This states:
“…processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, on the basis of Domestic Law which shall be proportionate to the aim pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject”
This means that the organisation has taken extra measures to ensure that any information is safe (including having the appropriate policy documents). It also means that the organisation has taken the approach that the use of any ‘sensitive data’ is part of its work on safeguarding children and helping to identify and work with any who are at risk.
Other Lawful Bases
It may be that your organisation has decided it cannot use Public Task and/or Substantial Public Interest. This could be for a variety of reasons. If your organisation is an independent School, then it may be that it is using the contract between the parent/carer and the School as the reason, or the parent/carer/child has been asked for their consent (which has been freely given). Where ‘sensitive data’ is used, then it may be that explicit consent has been given.
Other options are available, and the Schools or organisations will have checked to see which is most appropriate in order to maintain the appropriate safety and security of Data Subjects’ data.
Data processing responsibilities
We shall process Personal Data only on documented instructions from the Customer.
We shall inform the Customer without undue delay of any request or complaint received directly from a Data Subject, any data security issues and any Data Breach incidents.
We shall respond promptly to enquiries relating to data processing, including providing documentation relating to data security arrangements, sub-processing arrangements and relevant data protection documentation.
We will assist the Data Controller in meeting its obligations to notify Data Breaches to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), respond to ICO interventions, notify data breaches to Data Subjects, to carry out Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) when required and consult with the ICO where a DPIA indicates there is a high risk that cannot be mitigated.
Ensuring Your Data's Security
How secure is the data we process?
We have organisational and technical measures in place to safeguard and secure the information we hold, based on standard industry practices. In addition, all data is securely encrypted at all times including at rest and in transit. More information can be provided about this on request, as we prefer not to publicly publish too much security information as a measure to protect our Services and Customers.
What can I do as a User to help maintain security?
Please remember:
Follow your organisations data protection policy and procedures
Only share personal data where you need to
You are responsible for your username and password, so keep them secret and safe!
If you believe that your privacy has been breached, then contact your Data Protection Officer or follow the guidance your School or organisation provides
How do we ensure our staff are aware of their data protection responsibilities?
All our staff and management are fully aware of their responsibilities to protect Personal Data and are subject to a duty of confidentiality, through a contractual duty or a statutory duty or otherwise.
All staff follow an induction procedure, have a regular review and security & data protection updates are delivered as required through our regular meetings. If any issue is raised relating to data security, then this is reviewed and directly addressed with the individual/s involved and builds on our current practice.
The Data Processor shall not permit any person to process the data who is not under a duty of confidentiality.
Where do we store your data?
The Personal Data we collect is processed at our offices in Brighton or regional offices, or our Platform, which is hosted by Amazon Web Services in the UK or EU.
By contacting our support team we may transfer data related to you and your communication outside of the EU. This will only be done where an agreement with the sub-processor provides adequate safeguards.
By submitting Personal Data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing by us.
No Student or Parental data from the Platform is transferred or stored outside of the UK or EU. If we do start to transfer this data from the Platform outside of the UK or EU, we will notify you, including explaining any steps being taken to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this Data Processing Agreement.
For how long do we store your data?
We continue to hold all ‘active’ data (data that has been provided and is linked to active accounts on a verified licence) until the following:
If your subscription or trial subscription licence has run out, access to the live platform is revoked for all users after a 90 day period.
Subsequently, platform data is retained until one of the following conditions has been met;
If the subscription expiry date is between the 1st of September and the 31st of March, the live platform data will be securely deleted in the following August.
If the subscription expiry date is between the 1st of April and the 31st of August, the live platform data will be securely deleted in the following January.
We also operate a rolling backup that retains information for 90 further days following live platform deletion.
For example, if a subscription expired on the 22nd of February 2027, the live platform data would be deleted on a date within August such as 31st August 2027. The rolling backup would then retain the information for 90 further days until the 29th of November 2027.
We provide a way for you to download a complete copy of all Personal Data held on Pupil Progress before termination.
If you request it, we will provide written certification that all Personal Data has been completely deleted in line with the guidance within the right to erasure. If required and requested, we will erase the data without undue delay, which is generally considered to be about a month in line with Articles 17 & 19 of the GDPR.
Security of Data Processing
We will implement appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing of Personal Data and against accidental loss or destruction or damage to Personal Data.
We will inform the Data Controller of any unlawful processing of Personal Data and any loss, destruction or damage to Personal Data.
Notification of Personal Data Breach
Upon becoming aware of a Personal Data Breach, we shall inform the Data Controller without undue delay providing all necessary information and shall cooperate as reasonably required to fulfil Data Breach reporting obligations under data protection legislation.
Our procedures assess all security incidents and then report relevant breaches to the Information Commissioner’s Office within the statutory timeframe.
Partners (sub-processors) who process your data
Edtech businesses often use contractors and outside companies to help them host their applications, power their support tools, etc. Any company or individual that we use when processing information under this agreement is a “sub-processor”. This means that any agreement or contract we have with them is, at least, as strict as this agreement. We make sure that we are happy that they will also take the same level of care of the Personal Data Customers and Users are trusting us with, including checking if they hold any certificates for their work. This agreement with our Customers is also an agreement on the part of Customers to work with our sub-processors.
Here are the details of the main sub-processors and service providers; the range of data they can collect, process and store; and a general explanation of why.
Service Provider | Data collected or processed | Purpose | Place of processing |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS Data Processing Addendum (DPA) – Navigating GDPR Compliance on AWS ( | All Personal Data | Enable the use of the Platform to review, analyse and monitor learner data around attainment, progress and expected outcomes. | UK |
FRAM | All Personal Data | Development and support of the Platform and our Services | EU |
Usage information | Provide Support | Within your location (e.g. EU if in the UK) | |
Account details | Provide support | EU | |
Account details | Provide support and hosts meetings | Within your location (e.g. EU if in the UK) | |
School and account details | Hosts the Pupil Progress Academy for support | Canada | |
You agree that we have general permission to, from time to time, make changes to who our sub-processors are, or what they will be doing in order to provide you with an improved service. Any agreement or contract we have with new sub-processors will be, at least, as strict as this agreement.
If we do, we will notify you beforehand. This will give you a chance to check any of the changes and raise any possible objections. If there are any objections, we will happily discuss these with you and address any concerns.
Groupcall Xporter
Pupil Progress offers the option to Customers to use Groupcall Xporter (data exchange tool) as the method of how they, as Data Controller of the Personal Data described in this Data Processing Agreement, transfer the data to Pupil Progress for the purpose of the delivery of the Services in line with the Agreement.
Xporter connects with the Customer’s Management Information System (MIS) and runs regular (usually overnight) syncs which pull authorised data from the MIS and then makes this available to Pupil Progress.
For the sake of clarity, by using Xporter in this way, Xporter is not a sub-processor of data for Pupil Progress, rather it is processing data on behalf of the Customer as a Data Processor. As such the Customer should satisfy themselves of all data protection requirements in relation to Xporter separately and additionally to Pupil Progress.
Groupcall’s own data sharing agreement can be found at:
Or they can be contacted directly at:
Partners: Schools with PiXL-Waves access
Schools can opt in to PiXL-Waves Access to access the benefits of PiXL Waves including receiving anonymised, aggregated data to further support students.
This also means instructing us to take Platform data including Personal Data from the School account, and anonymising and/or aggregating it and sharing it with PiXL to then share with other participating schools and other audiences. Anonymising and/or aggregating the data means that when different people within PiXL use and share the aggregated data with others, we have protected it as much as we can. Once the data has been anonymised and/or aggregated it is no longer Personal Data.
Data Subjects’ privacy choices and rights
All Data Subjects including Users and students have various rights about their Personal Data. These are all managed by the Data Controller (in the case of use of the Pupil Progress Platform, this is the Customer School as above) and any questions about these rights would normally be dealt with by the organisation. Rights may vary depending on the lawful bases mentioned previously above.
We will only use the Personal Data provided to us by Customers or Users.
There is no need to ask us not to use your Personal Data for marketing. Any such data provided to us in using the Pupil Progress Platform is only ever used as part of giving access to the full Pupil Progress Services. We do not use it for any marketing or anything else, unless permission is specifically given.
Exercising Data Subject rights including Subject Requests / Subject Access Requests
Exercising rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 as amended or other related legislation as a Data Subject including making any Subject Request / Subject Access Request should always be addressed to the Data Controller in the first instance (in relation to use of our core Platform and the Pupil Progress smartphone app, the Customer School or organisation is the Data Controller).
As an individual, this means please refer to your School or organisation’s Privacy Notice for how you can exercise your rights or make contact with the School’s or organisation’s Data Protection Officer.
We will provide reasonable assistance to the Data Controller (including by technical and organisational measures) to enable the Data Controller to respond to complaints from Data Subjects and requests from Data Subjects to exercise any of their rights under Data Protection legislation.
If requested by the Data Controller we will:
provide a complete copy of all Personal Data held on Pupil Progress for that Data Subject, or instructions of how to access all this information;
update any Personal Data for that Data Subject to correct its accuracy;
provide written certification that all Personal Data for that Data Subject has been completely deleted.
To ask for assistance with responding to a Subject Request / Subject Access Request as the Data Controller, simply email us at stating the request.
In the event that we receive any complaint or request directly from a Data Subject where the Customer organisation is the Data Controller, we shall inform the Data Controller, promptly and provide full details to enable appropriate action to be taken.
Information on cookies and similar technologies
We use cookies and similar technologies. For information, see our Cookie Policy at:
Multi-Academy Trusts
Data processing within Multi-Academy Trusts
Where Multi-Academy Trusts or similar affiliated bodies of connected Schools are setting up Pupil Progress accounts for Schools and Users, they may wish to share some data between schools within the Trust. For example, they may want staff at one School or within the central Trust team to have access to the Pupil Progress account of another school within the Trust. Wherever such instruction is given to us by a suitable person within a Trust we will act on the basis that the instructing party has the authority to instruct our processing of data which may include sharing data within the Trust or body in this way.
About this Agreement
Checking our processes
We shall provide information necessary to demonstrate our compliance with this Data Processing Agreement.
As part of our obligations, we will support Customers with audits in relation to the processing of Personal Data by Pupil Progress and its sub-processors.
To support us with this, Customers must provide reasonable notice in writing of any audit and the scope and purpose of that audit. Any audit will take place within our normal Business Hours and will not occur more than once in any calendar year.
Making this DPA great
Well done for getting through this Data Processing Agreement and reviewing everything in it! It is designed to help you best understand what we do, under instructions of our Customers. Where you have instructions outside of this agreement, then they will be treated as support or account requests, as long as they do not fundamentally change anything mentioned in this agreement.
N.B. This Data Processing Agreement was built based on an open-source design for Privacy Notices from & Get these patterns free at This Data Processing Agreement pattern is open source and reuse is permitted when using the attributions above. Specific content relating to the Services themselves may not be reused without the permission of Pupil Progress.
Changes to this agreement
We may revise this agreement at any time. For any substantive changes we will provide advanced notice to Customers then post the new version to this webpage. Customer agrees to and accepts any modified terms by continuing to use the Services after the changes are posted and effective. For any minor readability edits which do not effect substantial changes, we may make such minor changes directly to this webpage without providing advanced notice. In any such cases we will update the Version history section below.
For more information
If you have any questions about the contents of this document, please email us at
Version history
Publication date: 25th September 2021
Version: 1.1 – Update added list of student’s information that can be submitted to Pupil Progress (29th September 2021)
Version: 1.2 – Update added how student’s information can be submitted to Pupil Progress (7th October 2021)
Version: 1.3 – Update added further detail to sections on Purpose, Ensuring your data’s security, Data Subject Rights and Keeping a check on our processes (7th December 2021)
Version: 1.4 – Update added a paragraph to “How we collect your students’ (Data Subjects) data” and “When and how we collect data” to include how this is done if you opt in using Xporter (Groupcall) (6th June 2022)
Version: 1.5 – Update with further details to “Data Subject Rights and Subject Access Requests” (2nd November 2022)
Version: 1.6 – (11th September 2023)
Clarity and readability updates
Updated the data elements we process
Updated our sub-processors to include recently added integrations for Intercom (enhancing our support capacity), ProductFruits (for enhanced product tutorials) and Fireflies (automated AI meeting notes from any support or account management video calls)
Added elements related to our new Parent App for schools who opt-in
Expanded on reference to Groupcall Xporter used to sync with your MIS
Added elements related to PiXL waves for PiXL member schools who opt-in
Version: 1.7 – (27th February 2024)
Changed references to "Parent App" to "the Pupil Progress smartphone app" to reflect new scope of app and branding
Changed wording to reflect reporting to students through the Pupil Progress smartphone app
Minor readability edits
Added section on "Data processing within Multi-Academy Trusts"
Version: 1.8 – (21st February 2025)
Minor clarity and readability edits
Fireflies (automated AI meeting notes from any support or account management video calls) removed as an integration used.
Hubspot data location updated from the US to the EU
Updated our sub-processors to include use of Loom, Zoom, Thinkific, Xero and Typeform for user support purposes.
Addition of attendance and conduct as personal data collected for students (Optional data set via Groupcall)
Added clarifications to data retention and account “off-boarding”
Changed phrasing from “Parents” to “Parents/Carers”